Old Spice stops sweat… even if it’s just your last name.

Sweat Defense defends against sweat at all costs, making it the perfect partner for the perspirant-inducing NFL. But, when Old Spice heard first-round draft pick, Montez Sweat, was entering the league, things got ugly fast. We produced a series of political attack ads to keep (Montez) Sweat out of the NFL for good.

In Defense of Sweat

The fight, of course, was not one sided. Montez Sweat, with support from athlete cameos like Von Miller, offered their rebuttal.

The debate between Sweat or sweat extended off of television screens, and into dueling billboards, and a full page newspaper ad in the Washington Post.

“Old Spice Takes Sweat Defense To New Level With Mock Attack Ads”

Sports Business Journal


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