‘Tis the season to be jolly… unless you’re a log.

Every year, Supercell celebrates Clashmas: A massive, in-game holiday uniting the Clash of Clans and Clash Royale mobile game communities. But in the Clashverse, things never stay merry and bright for long. Especially when a sentient log is out for blood.

Merry Logmas.

With The Log in control of Clashmas, all hell broke loose. We collabed with Great British Bake Off’s Prue Leif on a clashed up Yule Log recipe. We released an official Logmas jingle performed by none other than Kenny Loggins (get it?). To spread further holiday cheer, we sent 7ft-tall spiked Logs to Clash creators to decorate with game-inspired ornaments.

“Wieden+Kennedy, Psyop Give The Log Its Day In The Sun With ‘No More CLASHMAS!’”



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